What's your favorite saltwater fish?


What is your favorite saltwater fish? EVERYONE!
:thinking: :happyfish
If you own your favorite fish, send pics in!


Active Member
My favorite has become the Desjardini Sailfin Tang. I aquired an established system last year and a Desjardini came along with the package. Sally is going on 11 years old (only 1 year in my care) and is the most (subtly) beautiful and gracious fish I've ever owned. Here's a pic I snapped of her (and the tail of my Regal Tang) recently:


My favorit was my Unicorn Tang (we called him Mr.Limpet)
. Whole tank got ick last week from Powder blue. Damn those Powders!



My favorite fis that I will eventually own is the Mystery Wrasse, and my current favorite fish that I own is the Yashia Haze Goby. Here's a pic of him hanging out with his buddy the Yellow Watchman.


Originally Posted by Rainfishy
So your two gobies get along fine?

Yes they do, as a matter of fact they both share their cave with a Randall's Pistol Shrimp. Very cool fish.


Originally Posted by kamaqazi21
for the aggressive fish i think that the clown trigger is the best.
Those are cool too.


WOW! A lot of Tang lovers! The Unicorn is really nice. I don't know if I knew what they look like. My favorite fish are Angels. I love the adult Koran and adult Queen. I am sad that I can't have one in my new reef.

The Moorish Idol is an AMAZING beautiful fish. Has anyone seen one in the wild? I have and it was breath taking. I saw it in Hawaii. If you have the chance to snorkle in Hawaii make sure it is your TOP priority.


New Member
My favorite that I have owned so far... my 13 in spotted burrfish R.Kelly. I released him into the wild today because he wasn't doing well in captivity



Active Member
o god thats a HUGE NONO, did he come from the wild, or did you get him at a LFS, either way 99% it will die
my fav fish is atlantic or black tang


New Member
Originally Posted by fedukeford
o god thats a HUGE NONO, did he come from the wild, or did you get him at a LFS, either way 99% it will die
It came from the wild, lived with me for about a week, and went back into the wild. It was cool to have him though..