What's your favorite saltwater fish?


Active Member
It is impossible to pick just one!I love pygmy and flame angels, my blackcap basslet and purple tangs, although I don't have a big enough tank for the tang


Active Member
Mine's the oceanic white tip shark. it's just an amazing shark but they're endangered

here's a pic (not mine of course)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ohioguy06
Sohal gets my vote! And of course my sailfin
poor yellow tang


I have a few favorites : Moorish Idols, False Percula Clownfish, Green Mandarinfish and Emperor Angelfish.
But I think most SW fish are pretty cool. :joy:


New Member
Originally Posted by DME
stoneyfish, it looks as that you have that tank right in front of a window :scared:
It is but I have typhoon shutters outside the window that I close to decrease direct sunlight. And yes that light is actually in the water..I use it to light the rear of my tank.


Originally Posted by jr2857
Mine's the oceanic white tip shark. it's just an amazing shark but they're endangered

here's a pic (not mine of course)

Maybe you might want to fantasize that you have one


Active Member
Far ahead is the scribble angelfish. The adult coloration is breath taking and their temperment is outstanding. Mine eats right out of my hands! Also like flame hawk( I suppose that's obvious) I have 2 of them in seperate tanks and again love there antics. Had a powder blue for 4 years who also had great antics and ate out of my hands. Unfortunately the tank got ick and he didn't make it. In the future will try once again when I get my 1000g tank in Hawaii.....one day......


the scribble angelfish. The adult coloration is breath taking and their temperment is outstanding.
Sorry it not survived
It is a beautiful fish



My favorite by far is the Majestic Angel, but as far as my tank inhabitants right now it's my Powder Blue Tang. And here he is, just picked him up yesterday.



Love seeing those great pics, everyone!

Here are a few of my favorite fishes. I think the Moorish Idol is my most favorite, but will probably never be able to raise one successfully.



Active Member
OMG JOHNSUS! i LOVE your achilles tang! they are my favorite out of ALL of the tangs. i dont think ive seen one in someones tank before! how long have you had yours and do you have anymore pics?


Active Member

everything is so healthy and once a moorish idol is feeding it is very hardy. the feeding is the hard part. and it is sensible to water differences


Active Member
Originally Posted by morales67

these fish are awsome! but i dont own one and probably never will

I have to agree with you...I love my Idol.....best fish ever....
kids don't try this at home

next would be a Naso with streamers


Originally Posted by johnsus
Love seeing those great pics, everyone!

Here are a few of my favorite fishes. I think the Moorish Idol is my most favorite, but will probably never be able to raise one successfully.