Originally Posted by jr2857
everything is so healthy and once a moorish idol is feeding it is very hardy. the feeding is the hard part. and it is sensitive to water differences
Yes, exactly! When I had my legendary 140 I kept a Moorish Idol with no problem. As I've said before I never did water changes, etc... What killed it was when I changed out my old ChemiPure with new ones. That difference in the water quality knocked it off, even though the water quality improved.
everything is so healthy and once a moorish idol is feeding it is very hardy. the feeding is the hard part. and it is sensitive to water differences
Yes, exactly! When I had my legendary 140 I kept a Moorish Idol with no problem. As I've said before I never did water changes, etc... What killed it was when I changed out my old ChemiPure with new ones. That difference in the water quality knocked it off, even though the water quality improved.