whats your favorite triggerfish?


IF you break out his teeth he might be able to live out his entire life in a 40!!!!! KEWL!
The drawback is that he won't be able to kill feeder fish....oh damn.


yeah not really much you can do with the undulated best to get him small and feed well also feeder fish can make them more aggressive.this is pretty much species only.although i have read some posts from people who have them coexisting with others.basically each fish is different and may have different levels of aggression.maybe try posting to see who is keeping one with other tankmates. a word of advice get the largest tank you can these fish will grow about 1/2" a month when housed and fed properly.


I have my undulated in a 75 right now with a humu and porc puffer.. one of which will be moving very soon, and i'll probably add a snowflake or something if he (the undulated) stays mellow like he is.. I keep him really well fed (he's a juvinile) .. the only thing he does to cause trouble is take food out of the porcs mouth then swim away quickly with it, other then that he seems pretty miled mannerd, but eventually i'm sure he will turn into the fish from hell :)


id stay away from the snowflake as triggers usually end up using eels as 'chew toys'.
good luck
these are my reccomendations with triggers, puffers, wrasses(big ones) eels, lionfish, groupers, damsels they are too fast for the triggers, and aggressive large tangs urple, yellow etc.)


I have kept eels with humus before, never any troubles, just have to make sure the trigger is still fairly small when you introduce the eel :)


New Member
Picasso i think have a niger trigger to but the picasso is so cool and fun to look at.He´s like A Clown????


I love my huma huma. He's so full of personality and so far hasn't messed with any of his tank mates. I think when it comes right down to it the perc is the boss in my tank.
My favorite trigger is a throw up .. the picasso and nigers .... to bad they don't go well together. Both are very good looking fish.


Active Member
Dang, how did this old azz thread get pulled up? I doubt a snowflake would coexist with a 4.5" titan, especially since the titan is already there. MY favorite trigger is the undulate, hands down. I also really like picassos, 'false' bursas, assasi, titans, bluelines, and clowns. Bo


It like the clown, they look as if they are scheming something.
Armageddon, I wouldn't do a 4.5 titan trigger with a SFE.


Active Member
I'm closing this thread. It's done more than run it's course. If you want to know about your titan and sfe, start a new post. Bo