Whats your favorite type of fish?


Active Member
u know, I really don't have a favorite fish. I mean, i don't even have fish I don't like. They all are cool and beautiful in their own way. (off topic) but my favorite marine animal of all time would be a dolpin, but I don't have a tank big enough... yet.


Active Member
that is my dream, right there body! U go for it and have a wonderous time! So how big is that size of a pool anyways? diamter wise?


Active Member
what is the point of that poll? I think we can all predict the results.
BUT my favorite fish is the humu humu nuku nuku apu a'a


Imperator angel for the colors
Powder Blue Tang for the colors
Clownfish for the personality
I have a Yellow striped maroon here at work,
he will pick up crushed coral and swim over and spit it at you!