Whats your favorite


everything in my tank is my favorite.although (fish) disjardni sailfin, (coral)colt, (invert) purple condi

mr. guitar

It's hard to decide what I like best in my tank. I'd have to go with my Orange Monti Cap, Green Hammer, and Blue Mushrooms for the corals. My favorite invert is my Crocea Clam.


my favorite fish are my mated true percula clowns. they are sooo awesome!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Green mandarin dragonette (Drago)

I can't wait to get one down the road.


Active Member
hmm, thats a tough one

i`d say my favorites are
fish - helfrichi firefish
coral - neon green brain
invert - blood red fire shrimp


Active Member
i like my purple lobster, and some hitchhiker clam i got, i think its a turkey wing clam. ive got a lot of corals and a crocea clam, but for some reason i enjoy watching the lobster and turkey wingclam. and i used to like my cleaner shrimp and pistol shrimp most, but they both died when my gfci tripped while i was on vacation. everything shut down for 2 or 3 days, and they sadly died


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
i like my purple lobster, and some hitchhiker clam i got, i think its a turkey wing clam. ive got a lot of corals and a crocea clam, but for some reason i enjoy watching the lobster and turkey wingclam. and i used to like my cleaner shrimp and pistol shrimp most, but they both died when my gfci tripped while i was on vacation. everything shut down for 2 or 3 days, and they sadly died

That sucks about the gfci tripping. I'm nervous about that happening some night when I'm at work.