What's your filtration?


What types of filtration are you guys running on your aggressive tanks? I just switched from emperors to sump/refuge. I still have dsb, lr, and skimmer. Just curious.


a big wetdry, 2 diffrent pre filters, a big skimmer, lots of LR, and sand. seems to work well with my fish inventory. I feed them like crazy, and things seem to be in check. It really depends on what you want to keep also. Triggers are tough fish.


Here is a pic of my newly constructed sump with bioballs and refugium with skimmer. I still have to work out some minor details and get a light for the refuge, as well as some caulerpa.


I'm in the planning stages of my filtration for a 320 gallon tank. Does using a refugium buy you anything with an aggresive tank?


Active Member
I don't have an agressive tank so I hope you guys don't mind me jumping in. With that said I think a fuge would buy you something. The macro algae in it could out compete other forms of algae(that would be a good thing). It improves water quality(that would seem to be a good thing) you can also put one heater in there, and one in your sump, and voila' less cluttered display, also improves tank volume(better water stabilaztion), down side cost, I'm sure thera are more downsides, but I can't think of any right now.


Active Member
I'm trying to do something a little different with my 240 gallon. I have a sump/refugium setup. I keep about 100 lbs. of LR in there, instead of bio balls, and in the refugium I have a DSB, and calupra. Along with a skimmer. Hopefully the macro algae will keep the micro algae under control.