Yeah dude, COD4 rocks! I had the game for a while and then sold it along with my 360 about 6 months ago. about 2 months ago, I bought my 5th 360. Yes, my 5th. Why so many? Well generally what happens is I buy a 360, then get terribly addicted to it, playing it all day and all night. I don't sleep, and eat too much because I'm always grazing in front of the TV. I don't exercise. Then I start feeling bad neglecting every other aspect of my life and I sell it. Yes, this has happened 5 times. I guess I've got the addictive gene, I don't know.
But the 5th one I won't sell. Got it used for $180 with halo 3 included. I have a LIVE membership but I use it only to play halo 3. I'm sure I'll be getting COD4 soon. I like COD4's campaign because it's so varied. From in-your-face combat to recon sniper stuff. Really awesome game. They're coming out with COD5 soon.
Anyway, my gamertag is : Naftey
I've had it for almost 4 years, ever since Halo 2 came out with Live. Anyone can add me if they want, but my DLP TV just broke last night and I need to order a new light for it. No video games for me for a few weeks...