Whats your job and how do you like it?


I think you were misunderstanding us.
There are numerous people that enter the stores daily and have no
common sence!
You will get people that are not knowledgable and thats one thing, but when people walk up to you and ask if you work here, while im wearing the big ass blue shirt with bby logos on the front, sides and my cs pro name tag and bby name tag and a hand full of gift cards around my neck its just dumb. You will get the customers who come in and go where is the bathroom ( i usually hang out around customer service, and there is a 9'X9' sign hanging about 6' from the customer service desk that says RESTROOM and big as my car!
Some people just have no fgreakin clue, when i go into a store and want to buy something, its only after i have researched it, some poeple rely on a salesman and thats ok, thats what they are there for. But ignorence is bliss, and these people are sittin on a sunny slope!

my way

Active Member
I didn't mean that my customers are retarded, although I do get my share of them that don't know their a**es from a hole in the ground. I feel I am fairly talented at what I do,I just suck at dealing with people, which is my fault not theirs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Its funny that ya all keep sayin that customers are retarded...LOL
If ya all buy something from somewhere then you are a customer as well, thus making you :thinking: ____________...
And if it wasnt for all of those retarded customers then we would all be out of jobs. I worked in retail for 15 yrs, and I would have to agree that the sensor that opens the automatic door effects some customers and instantly turns thier brains off.
Customer service is going to the way side, often times its the dude behind the counter with the numerous body piecings, dyed hair and the I dont care attitude that is the retard...
I will get off my soap box...just food for thought...

Honestly when i shop i dont ask questions, i go in, buy and leave... i dont look for whats cheapest...i go in understanding what im going to buy everywhere i go...its called thinking before buying.... lol


Originally Posted by PBLRDom
Some people just have no fgreakin clue, when i go into a store and want to buy something, its only after i have researched it, some poeple rely on a salesman and thats ok, thats what they are there for. But ignorence is bliss, and these people are sittin on a sunny slope!
exactly like i said, thank you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PBLRDom
But ignorence is bliss, and these people are sittin on a sunny slope!
I would agree that there are a ton of rather tan people out there ...
You could have 100 great customers and 1 that bent your day, and you will only remember the one that bent your day. There are peeps out there that feel like they deserve customer service, and like to get answers to what are simple questions to most
employees... I like most other patrons do not go into bby stores daily, nor is there a map provided when you walk in. Signs are often not looked at, I used to have a sign in the stock room that said "Do Not Stack Anything Against This Wall", I may as well of not even posted that sign cuz everyday there was something under that sign.
I do unserstand what you are saying, but what you are saying is like a chimney sweep complaining about getting dirty...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jer4916
Honestly when i shop i dont ask questions, i go in, buy and leave... i dont look for whats cheapest...i go in understanding what im going to buy everywhere i go...its called thinking before buying.... lol
I do this as well...I know what I want, where it is in the store, my method of payment and whether or not I'm going to need a cart. I very rarely will talk to an employee unless the items I need are locked up, or when its time to pay...

mandarin w

I work in a factory, I make corragated sheets. (Known to the out side world as card board boxes
The job is alright. Most of the time it is the people you work with that are the stupid A** holes