What's your JOB?


I'm a software engineer. I have a bachelor of science in both mechanical engineering and computer science. I just have to get my professsional engineering license. That should be about a year away.


a sailor with 8 years in the navy. i love the travel and pride of serving. the money is decent. i drive small boats for spec ops.


Active Member

Originally posted by MegsM318
007: What do you plan on doing when you get out of the clinical psych program? How many years is your program? I know it is hard to get into grad programs...I've found that out with school psychology programs in CA. Do you have any advice for getting an edge...besides good test scores, gpa, and applications?

Haven't figured out what I want to do with it yet, but there are a lot of options . . . private practice, research, teaching, pharmaceuticals, medical schools, legal work, police work, I mean there is a LOT.
My program is 4 years class room, 1 year APA internship. That is what the bulletin says . . . in reality you have to throw in on top of all that a Masters thesis and a doctoral dissertation . . . Can be done in 5, average . . . 6.
One of the best things you can do is get a good deal of research experience. Even if you have to do it for free at SDSU (they have an AWESOME psych department there) DO IT. It pays off. Getting some good letters of recommendation ( a side benefit of doing research) helps an awful lot too. I think that those two things are far more important that GPA and test scores. Even the programs will tell you that (not until after you get in though)
Test Scores and GPA only mean so much, its NOT everything. There are things that are just as, if not more important.


Active Member

Originally posted by 007
Haven't figured out what I want to do with it yet, but there are a lot of options . . . research

Yeah...research is exploding...lots of money to be had their.


Thanks for the advice! I have been looking into SDSU. I think I will try to contact some faculty in that department.
I did do some research at UCSD this last year, but I think I will try to do some more of that this year.
You're program sounds awesome! You have a lot of options! Good luck with it 007!


Hey guys.
My best advice is to find the people who have been doing a job for a long time, and observe their life. Are they happy? Did they sacrifice their morals(non-affiliated). What is their life like, and is that the general direction that you want yours to go.
I did a lot of sales jobs, made tons of money(for a 20yr old), and realized all the seasoned salespeople were miserable(nobody likes to see the salesman coming their way).
Now I deliver pizza to pay for my schooling and it's working out surprisingly well. Everyone loves to see the pizza man.:happy:


Don't get scared, its a great position if you have a death wish, turns out the military cators to that, and thats good because somebody has to make them go bang. I am the best man for the job, so know matter what you due like all these people have put down, bus tables, stay at home mom, newtworks, Bar tender. be happy, because there is someone out there who is happy your there. Good Luck.
Fire fighter/ real estate
The city pay for my insurance and pension, and they let me be a fireman, and give me money. I work a 24hr on/48hr off shift.
On my two days off I am free to pursue any capitalistic notion that I can dream up.


New Member
I teach high school.
I love it.
I knew I wanted to teach high school one day, sitting in my 9th grade Western Civ class, because it dawned on my how much my teachers suck.
I now live in a small town where I work with students that are wards of the government and who are sent to this facility for kids with emotional disturbances or behavior problems.
Right out of college (UC Berkeley) I worked at a high school that was in downtown Oakland. I loved that too.
As much as I miss the Bay Area (we're a few hours away now) I love that my class doesn't get larger than 12 students.
(I love this little guy because it always reminds me of teaching).


Test Engineer
If you can find an internship during summers in your career field that will help towards getting a job, especially at the company you intern with. If not, I'd suggest finding a job where you interface with customers and work in a team enviroment. If you can show that you have good people skills and work well on teams you will improve your chances of a job at most companies. Your degree will get you into a job and give you the foundation for your career, but you people skills are what will make or break your career.


Active Member
I have a Bach of Science in Computer Engineering. I am a Technical Architect for a very large insurance company. I design the infrastructure for huge projects for integrating different technologies from both software and hardware perspectives.
It's a great job, but the pressure can get high at times. You have a limited budget, limited time and if you design one wrong, millions of dollars can go down the drain.
which store do you want to work at?
Originally posted by MontiDanae
"chef" if you want to call it that :rolleyes:
but im just saving for a car, to get a better job at the LFS and actualy start saving for college and money to get out of wisconsin and to never come back!
I just graduated in may with a bachelor of fine arts degree in theatrical costume design.
I work full time in milwaukee at a custom framing shop, and i also design costumes for shows for a small professional theatre downtown. and i'm a photographer.
i don't make much money, but i love it. as for my day job, i decided one day i had to move to milwaukee to get a place where the theatre jobs were, set a deadline of 45 days to move into a new apartment, and started driving to the city every day to fill out applications everywhere (including all the local fish stores, but they only wanted weekend help..... then when i met the people at the frame shop i knew i wanted to work there so i just kept calling until they eventually agreed to see me :)... and so there i am.



Originally posted by amandaschlicher
which store do you want to work at?

Champion Chicken, lol, whatever funds the tank!


i got a masters in cellular and molecular biology, and am going for my PhD in human and molecular genetics. i am hoping to work in industry at the end, but it is quite difficult to get into considering that there is not much of a biotech boom in canada. have to go to the states for a better shot and better pay!