What's your oldest fish?


Just curious about how long some of you have had your fish? I did a search but really couldn't find anything about how long most saltwater fish live in captivity.


Active Member
Does freshwater count? My african cichlid is 7+ years old.
My oldest saltwater fish is 7 months. That's about how long I have had my tank.


If Freshwater counts, I have 5 Barracuda's for 6 years.
For my salt, 72 hours is the longest for my clean up crew! Ha!


My sister just gave up her saltwater tank and gave me her 2 clowns in the process.... they are both 12 years old!!!! No pressure.... :scared:


my oldest fish is 5 mounths old, a pj cardinal
but i have had these snails that we got from the nj coast that have servived everything for 2 years this september. I had a bleach accident and they all lived, ALL


my eel i had him for a year and gave him to the pet store :happyfish but my other old fish is my dog faced puffer and is five months old and is awesome


My Yellow Tang and Six Line Wrasse are both over 4 years old.


I have a false perc that is 11+.
I wonder how long that is in "fish years"?????? :thinking:


Active Member
I have a maroon clown that was given to me ,3 years ago. they said he was 2 yrs then(about), so I would say 5+ for him and the others range from 3years to 1year.


my imperotor adult is 6 years old
juvenile imp. is 3 years
my teria bat is 2 years
gold sripe maroon is 4 years
blue hippo is 6 years also
all my other fish I have had for about a year or so
I had a 16" Vlamingi just pasted away 6 months ago he was 8 years. This is the only fish I regret loosing he was like a dog I could pet him and he would eat out of my hand. Awsome fish. I am still on the look out 4 a replacement.


Active Member
Originally Posted by shameless
I had a 16" Vlamingi just pasted away 6 months ago he was 8 years. This is the only fish I regret loosing he was like a dog I could pet him and he would eat out of my hand. Awsome fish. I am still on the look out 4 a replacement.
How sad is that, like lossing your bestfriend

nm reef

Active Member
My oldest is a tomato clown that I purchased shortly sfter establishing my first marine system....over five years ago. he now resides in a clients 90 gal bowfront.


I have a silver dollar in a freshwater tank that I got sometime in highschool, making him at least 10 years old.
I only got into salt about 2 years ago. My oldest fish is a sailfin that I've had for 2 years.


Powder Blue Tang 11 years
Naso tang 11 years
Clown Trigger 6.5 years
Emperor Angel 7 years
SFE 5.5 years
All are in a 125 and get along great. I had a lion in there for 7 years with them and was the size of a football, sold him last year he was getting too big and my hand could fit in his mouth so cleaning the tank was a little tricky....................


Active Member
My two green spotted pufferfish are 2 years old (brackish), but my swf are only about 4 months old.