What's your oppinion for a FISH ONLY tank?



Anyone succesful having 5-6 fish in a 40 gallon FISH ONLY>? IF so what kind of fish?


Active Member
I have five in a 65 ..and I would'nt add another.
2 ~ blue spot puffers
1~tiger jawfish
1~freidmani psuedochromis
1~sandhopper blenny


Active Member
why not? they are great... i like fish only (maybe some lil critter inverts too)
but personally reef tanks do nothing for me unless they are 500 gallons w/ tons of fish...
i've see a lot of nice reef tanks, but the majority just look like a big disorganized mess


New Member
I Have A 45 Corner Tank With The Following

a Flame Angel, Kole Tang, Clown Trigger, Flame Hawkfish, And A 2 Stripe Clownfish.....they All Get Along Great.....i Have Enough Coral In There So They Have Plenty Of Room To Hide Out When Needed.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by SHOOTER
I Have A 45 Corner Tank With The Following

a Flame Angel, Kole Tang, Clown Trigger, Flame Hawkfish, And A 2 Stripe Clownfish.....they All Get Along Great.....i Have Enough Coral In There So They Have Plenty Of Room To Hide Out When Needed.......

Humm, a clown trigger in a 45 gal is not a good idea, especially with all those other fish. If your fish don’t die due to stress from over crowding or poor water quality your Clown Trigger will most likely kill them when he matures.


New Member
He's Pretty Small

i Know What You're Saying----the Fish Store Told Me When He Starts To Get Bigger I Can Bring Him Back For Credit Or Exchange On Another Fish......i Really Keep Up On My Water Changes So The Water Is Always Good......


i have a 55 with a cple shrooms on some random rocks n a polyp rock.no corals.i have 2 niger triggers.ones is about 4in the other bout 2in.a naso tang,coral beauty angel,yellow watchman,n a gold head goby oh yea and a purple rock lobster that just ate my 1yr old cleaner shrimp!r.i.p.shrimp.but yea make sur eu have enough clean up crew.if ur going fich only is i going to be aggress??


It is never a good idea to buy a fish with the return-him-when-bigger mentality. The older the fish, the more stressful it is to be moved. Don't you get attached to your fish? How can you give up a pet you have had for a while? Have you had your fish long enough that they recognize you?
When you rip him out of his home, stick him in the unhealthy environment of most of the LFS tanks, you not only stress the heck out of him, lowering his immune system, you expose him to new tank mates, bacteria and fungus. Then he has to go through all of it again with his new home. Does that seem fair to you? Why take a beautiful creature and treat it this way?


Active Member
heres my baby clown in a 10 gallon nano plan on upgrading soon but he has been in here for 6 to 8 months and has not eaten my coral or the snails and not even the crabs let alone the fish in with him he is my little baby i truly have one of a kind clown trigger



I got a 45 gal FOWLR, with a 5 gal CPR Refugium on back. There is about 30 lbs live rock, with a couple of shrooms and polyps, and 1 anenome for the percula clown. The shrroms and polyps hmmmmmm accidently fell in from my 125 reef, you know with out the ol lady watching.
The FOWLR is her tank. The fish include name and how long they have been in tank. All water parameters are great.
1 watchman goby - 2.3 years old
1 percula clown - 6 months
1 pajama cardinal - 2.3 years
1 yellow tail damsel- 2 years
1 black damsel- 8 months
1 half & half blenny - 1 year
1 bangdaii cardinal- 7 months
1 longnose hawkfish- 1 year
1 blood shrimp - 3 years
2 peppermint Shrimps- 1.5 years
- 25 hermits
-30 snails