Whats your recommendation for a grouper?


I have a 180 I'm brining online to be a FO SW tank. Looking for stocking ideas, I like the Groupers, Catalufas, etc Whats a bright fish thats a meat eater that would not out grow a 180?
FYI I already have a 5" tusk.


I love my marine betta but I'm sure you're prob. looking for something bigger. Not to sure what you mean by meat eater though?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoulFish
I have a 180 I'm brining online to be a FO SW tank. Looking for stocking ideas, I like the Groupers, Catalufas, etc Whats a bright fish thats a meat eater that would not out grow a 180?
FYI I already have a 5" tusk.
I had a 5-6" Miniatus kill a 5-6" Indo Tusk before. They don't care for tankmates IMO.


something that eats market prawns, not little cubes of brine shrimp.. just bigger type solid food. Just trying to keep all my tanks both fresh and salt eating the same thing


I think Polleni's are beautiful if your willing to spend a couple of hundred bucks. They are far cheaper then they used to be and don't get huge and aggressive as other groupers. Personally i would stay away from groupers unless thats what you really like. Polleni's are purple and yellow. Check them out. Cool fish. Make sure you treat them for internal parasites as this is normal with them. Hope this helps. Tim


Polleni's look really cool. I saw one the other day that was around $60 at my LFS.
Anyone ever get a "Epinephelus fasciatus" (Blacktip Grouper) Says it only reaches 13" in length and it has better coloration than a V-tail?


Active Member
I would stick to the Cephalopholis genus for a 'grouper' (technically not however, called hinds). The V-tail, Polleni, and Blue Line are my picks. IMO the color of that Blacktip (the best pic I've seen of one) does not compare to the red of a heathly V-tail. Miniatus are prettier yet, but their attitudes are usually too much.
If I were to switch back to a predator from an aggressive setup, definitely would pick up a Blue Line. Their understated beauty is really something.... Just imagine this fish under MH lighting...


awesome recomendations guys thanks for the info. Could I have more than one grouper in a tank? I know they are a bit teritorial, they like to have their own hole, but could I have 2 of them in a 180? The ones that max out at 12"es


Active Member
if you are looking for red I would suggest the v tail, they are more sociable than the miniatus, although The polleni are great I have always been partial to the argus, also known as a blue spot. They are an incredible looking grouper that will still tolerate tank mates and will not out grow your tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by SoulFish
awesome recomendations guys thanks for the info. Could I have more than one grouper in a tank? I know they are a bit teritorial, they like to have their own hole, but could I have 2 of them in a 180? The ones that max out at 12"es
On google, enter 'advanced aquarist hinds' in the search. The first link is the one you want. Lots of great info and mentions keeping two hinds/groupers.


Do you guys think a blueline grouper would work out with a undulated trigger?


Originally Posted by prime311
I wouldn't expect anything to last with an Undulated Trigger.
yea now after seeing how it acts, Im def not putting nuffin else in the tank with it.


with the undulated ....your either gonna have to buy the trigger at such a small size that the grouper out grows it and eats it or the trigger is big enough and kills the grouper.....
deffinetly do not want 2 groupers in the same tank...
and I LOVE the miniatus.....B-E-A-UTIFUL....but they quickly addapt to IM king of the fishtank....and rule the tank like hitler would if he was a fish


I had a 7" Miniatus with a lunare wrasse and a Picasso trigger. I thought he was a great fish


New Member
I don;t know bout mixing groupers with tusk... I'm begining to see the fighting... and i know for a fact my peacock grouper is scared straight of my tusk... hes always watching for a clearing when my tusk is swiming about... lol but if i had a choice i would go with a minatus... though bluelines and peacocks have that beautiful electric blue... and under good lighting there a beautiful fish... esp at night if you've got moonlighting!