whcih do you think i should get-


Active Member
A 50 gallon tank is not suited to either of those fish. I'd go with smaller species that won't outgrow your system.


Active Member
in small tanks tangs tend to get combative with each other. leading to stress induced sickness and physicall damage as well as secondary infections. when a fish can reach 9-10 inches 50 gallons isnt a lot of room


50 gallons is too small for either of those tangs. I have a 75 gallon with a powder brown tang and I'm going to upgrade shortly so he has more swimming room. These fish love to swim and need room to do it. Also tangs are know to get ich. That can really be an issue and wipe out your tank if you're not careful. I know they are beautiful fish, but they need to have room and be happy!


when you get a BIGGER tank 180 gallon or so i would go with the powder blue. PLEASE dont buy one with the intent to upgrade your tank later. upgrade and then buy...


Well-Known Member
I only put tangs in 100 longs or better.
though, I do put small yellow tangs in 55 gallon tanks with limited diets.


New Member
hey guys, thanks for your input. i appreciate your consideration for the fish. would it be ok to put a juvenile blue hippo (1 inch) in my tank. and then donate him to my boss's 1,200 gallon tank when he becomes too large? and if so how long would it take before he outgrew my tank?