When can I put in fish!!!!!


New Member
I have had my 30gal running for nearly 2 months. I have a prizm, emperor 280,& a power sweep. My tank contains 40lbs of Fiji LR & 40lbs of aragonite sand. I put in 5 damsels about 2 weeks ago to get it started. I also used that bio-suplement called "cycle". I only feed the damsels 1-2 times a day & the sand is starting to get a very light shade of brown. Does this mean I already need a clean up crew? I plan on removing the damsels and start with a snowflake eel & get some other fish compatible to it. How Long do I have to wait... Thanks in advance :cool:


Active Member
i'm no expert but: do daily water test to make sure the tank has completely finished cycling.
second: i think you are overfeeding your damsels.i used to feed mine once every two days.i also would make sure i only fed them anough,(they ate all of it within 30secs or so).this could be the reason your sand is turning colors.
cut back with the food. do daily water test for a couple of weeks.do not add any fish until you are certain the cycle is over.
be patient!the hardest thing,lol
i'm sure someone more knowledgable can give more advice. just my opinion.


If you buy a snowflake you won't have to remove the damsels or feed the snow flake for a while.LOL
Please forgive me if I insult you by assuming that you are new to this hobbie (as if I am not). Fortunatly for me I was not able to go out and spend money on a tank set up right a way because I honestly would have killed every thing in it within a month from my lack of even practical knowledge let alone basic compatibility. I would of had a trigger, eal, tang, angle, lionfish, and a couple of others that probably would of been snack food.
All that would of happened with the above list providing that they survived the into duction would of most likely been a massive out break of ich killing everything in the tank and left me wondering why.
Since I am getting married in a little over a month somy time and money have been doing other things than buying fish stuff but the good thing is that the past 2 months I have been buying books and surfing the web gaining knowledge. I have come a long ways but am still a touch short of truly being able to manage a reef tank.
Since you allready have a tank set up I would suggest to you that you start off very slowly and keep basic fish with easy needs until you gain more knowledge.
Again forgive me if I have wrongly assumed anything and feel free to corect me if I am wrong.


New Member
i to have a 30 gal. reef tank. my tank
has been up and running since mid january
and went the patient route, letting the tank
cycle without any fish until mid april. better to be safe than sorry, cycle enhancers
are shortcuts and may work for some, but not all. cycling the tank with live rock & ls
and some invert cleanup crew has proved to be a safe route till all levels in tank are
stabilized and at 0 or low levels. i would nix the eel. he'll get to big eventually, and
eat everyone else in your tank, especially
for a 30 gal. with this small of a tank, you
must rethink your stocking procedure and ideas. you are more limited than you may think. there are plenty of great fish out there to live in your tank of 30 gal., just
research each fishes growth/size & compata-


New Member
When water tests are concerned I have been testing them once a week. The last test was about 2 days ago amonia 0 nitrate & nitrite were very close if not at 0, my only concern was the ph, it has never risen from 7.8. I heard that it has to stay at a constant 8.2. c/c I have heard that a snowflake eel gets 30 in. max. I plan on getting rid of my damsels and getting a juvenile snowflake then I will upgrade to something bigger. What kind of fish can I get to go with a juvenile snowflake in a 30gal?


This question should be in the agressive section not the reef section. You will get quicker responces and probably more of them.