When do you step in?


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Originally Posted by juice_1080
I don't believe in marriage. I feel that people can live together and be just as happy without having to go through the whole marriage ritual. Plus the average marriage these days doesn't last very long. People get to fixated on it and jump in too quickly without knowing what they are doing.
My brother felt that way until I was in the hospital in a coma. My mom tried to overrule my wife on a couple of minor points of my care. Ma got a reality check from the hospital. My brother and his girlfriend said they just looked at each other and knew they were getting married. If you aren't married your signifigant other has no legal rights. Just something to consider if you ever enter into a long term relationship.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
My brother felt that way until I was in the hospital in a coma. My mom tried to overrule my wife on a couple of minor points of my care. Ma got a reality check from the hospital. My brother and his girlfriend said they just looked at each other and knew they were getting married. If you aren't married your signifigant other has no legal rights. Just something to consider if you ever enter into a long term relationship.
thats so true i had terrible problems even getting in to see tobin when he first went into the icu because i wasnt his wife or immediate family,i will probably never marry again though. you can only get burned so many times


Originally Posted by juice_1080
I don't believe in marriage. I feel that people can live together and be just as happy without having to go through the whole marriage ritual. Plus the average marriage these days doesn't last very long. People get to fixated on it and jump in too quickly without knowing what they are doing.
Amen to that, you are my dream man! LOL


Active Member
I think the reason a lot of marriages go bad is people are more in love with the idea of getting married than the person they married. 2nd time I figured it out. We lived together first, got married in her parents livingroom and used the money for a wedding as a dawn payment on a house


Active Member
I must be one of the lucky ones. My parents have been married 45 yrs, my husbands parents 40 yrs and we are celebrating our 20th this yr.


Active Member
you step in.
yelling/screaming is one thing. when people start getting pushed around, i dont care who it is- you step and help prevent somebody from getting hurt.


Active Member
I say he needs to dump her if she get jealous for talking to a female like anyone would be that dumb why the other one is rite there.Well maybe their are some that like to push it to see how far they can go.She has some issues with past relationships to get crazy like that and she need to talk to a shrink IMHO.Jealous women don't change they get worse if you ask me I been threw it and it not nice situation to be in.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
Next time it happens, push them both in the snow.
Now that makes alot of sense !!!!

At least you'll get a point across that bugs you for that behavior.


Active Member
I think the time to involve your self has passed . When the fighting was going on you could have involved your self by taking her away from the situation or taking your friend away . Defuse it before its a mess . I think talking to them now is only going to bring up the fight again when they might have moved on past it . If you feel uncomfortable about them putting you in that position then you need to remove your self from it . When they start getting in that kind of a mood then maybe you should leave them to their own ways . While I dont agree that a man hitting a woman is ok neither is a woman hitting a man . If they cant behave like adults then you might want to find friends that are more like minded to your self .


Everything is all fine and back to normal now. The next day he apologized again and she apologized for getting ridiculous. Then we went and got some authentic Mexican food with Habanero salsa on them as an apology for having to go through that.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by juice_1080
Everything is all fine and back to normal now. The next day he apologized again and she apologized for getting ridiculous. Then we went and got some authentic Mexican food with Habanero salsa on them as an apology for having to go through that.....

MMMM, habanero salsa!


There is a little Mexican grocery store here that has a tiny restaurant in back (can only seat 8 people) its ran by Mexicans for Mexicans but since we go in there all the time and always tip good the guy is happy to see us and we usually end up with a few free tacos. He makes all his own salsa and hot sauce and all of that. By the time you get out of there your nose is running and you are sweating...even in the winter.
The steak tacos are amazing.
This guy loves to torture us with his hot stuff (at least he thinks hes torturing us). My friend made a Habanero salsa and took some to him once. He threw a bunch on expecting it just to be mildly spicy....it was hilarious he had to grab a beer and chug it because it was so hot.

That place is amazing.


Active Member
Those are the best kinds of places.
I think I might have to make a trip up there, but if you don't mind I think I will wait for summer.


Originally Posted by Scotts
Those are the best kinds of places.
I think I might have to make a trip up there, but if you don't mind I think I will wait for summer.
Thats quite the trip for an authentic meal.....lol wouldn't it just be easier to head south to Mexico?

All though "La Tienda Preferida" AKA "The Preferred Store" has the most amazing food I have ever ate. They even only offer Mexican soda's and beer. No domestics. So you get the full experience no substitutions.