when does life begin?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
The planet is getting more and over crowded as it is..
If this is your defense for this...do the planet a favor and go play russian roulette.
"grumble" Grumble" "planet is over crowded, pretentious dweeb........"mutter"

salty blues

Active Member
Of course life begins at conception. There is no other logical answer. And as far as viability issues, a full term healthy baby cannot survive on it's own.
And I would just love for someone to explain to me how in the world life could possibly begin at some point after conception. Is it 2 weeks? Is it 3 weeks? Perhaps 2 months? Tell me then, is that embryo dead till that point and then suddenly it springs to life? Please do not insult my feeble intelligence.


Active Member
For all you pro lifers out there
Do you want to see P. Hiltn raising kids? I think the gene pool is polluted enough

I think Abortion at any stage ends a life. So does war and the death penalty. I think there are some situations where it is acceptable but for the most part there are better options.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
For all you pro lifers out there
Do you want to see P. Hiltn raising kids? I think the gene pool is polluted enough

I think Abortion at any stage ends a life. So does war and the death penalty. I think there are some situations where it is acceptable but for the most part there are better options.
If PH gets pregnant, she should absolutely give the baby up for adoption.
On a side note, why does the censor block you know who's name?


Active Member
I struggled with not being able to have children for over 10 yrs. We had IVF and at two weeks, my baby died. I consider my embro a child, my child.
We have 4 adopted children. I would not be a parent if thier birth parents had not completed thier preg. My oldest two were born to a woman that didnt care what she did while she was pg. My youngest daughter was born at 29 weeks. She was only 2.4 lbs with a heart condition. Her birthmother didnt even care enough to stay in the hospital with her. She left her there.
My youngest son was born with a cleft lip and palet. He was left on the side of the road next to a guard station. I am greatful to the women who gave them life, so I could become thier mother.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
The planet is getting more and over crowded as it is..
You know it is funny, you have some morons say stuff like what you just said. Then you have other morons says stuff like we aren't procreating as fast as we are dying. And that their will be a serious shortage of people. And whole countries will just whither away.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
You know it is funny, you have some morons say stuff like what you just said. Then you have other morons says stuff like we aren't procreating as fast as we are dying. And that their will be a serious shortage of people. And whole countries will just whither away.
It kinda is a problem as far as the nature goes. We have become such an intelligent species that we have begun destroying our limiting factors.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
I have a story that is hard for me to remember, but I hope it may help others make a better decision. When I was 18 I became pregnant and do to my lifestyle I had to have an abortion. The first issue with this is that to this day I still have a problem with it. I never really wanted children but no matter how many times they tell you that an abortion is no big deal they are wrong. The second part of this that makes it worse for me is that I knew I was pregnant instantly. I felt something that is hard to explain, but I told my partner I was pregnant right after you know what. He thought I was crazy, well I was not. I have never felt anything like that again and I know that it was the spirit of that child entering my body. Like I said this is still very hard for me to this day and in my deepest hopes I hope it makes people at least think twice before they make such a decision.
This is the problem with many abortions that occur. The woman is not properly informed about the "choice" she's making. Many times regret and despair follow years down the road. I feel for your position. I'm sure that you have done more good than you may realize.
I will add that I (I am the FATHER BTW) too knew at the very moment my son was conceived. I told my wife instantly and she agreed... That was the only time we ever said anything like that. I cant explain it, most people don't want to believe it, but I just knew...This is our only child, we wanted more but this is all we could have. Several years later we found out we were very lucky to have been able to have him. We didn't know this was the case at the time. For my wife and I abortion was never a choice, it never entered my mind.However when I told my mother in law (who unbeknown-st to me, encouraged, and payed for my sister in law to have an abortion prior), her was response was" what are you going to do about it?"!!! I was shocked. Even more so later when she became very furious because I told her to go to.....well you know...It was as if there was in her eyes only one right choice which was NOT the right choice.

He's 12 now, and a fine young man. They have had many close and loving moments and she loves him very much. Though she is an evil woman who makes it difficult these days to have much to do with her.

Her other daughter (the one that had the abortion) is a real idiot. My wife and her are half sisters.... I don't want to get involved in all that. But she has told my mother in law to ______ off and slapped her and just really done some horrible things. Yet they seem to have a bond together that my mother in law will not allow anyone to interfere with. It seems as though even if her daughter were to kill her...

I need to say, that my mother in law would have aborted my wife had her father not married her mother after she was pregnant...What would there be then?
There is no doubt to me that life begins at conception.

Now to force a woman to have a child conceived by ---- is not something I would consider. I do think that in that instance, she would easily make the decision quickly. The same for molestation...


Active Member
Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
For me *when the life begins* is when a fetus is viable to live outside the vomb which is around 24-26 weeks at the earliest. ...
20 years ago what was the viable age of survivability for a fetus; 30 weeks?
Is life getting younger? What happens when technology allows a fetus at 20 weeks to survive, is life now considered 20 weeks?