When fish's diet is meaty...


Active Member
Not necessarily. Meaty diet means you should feed the fish meaty foods like mysid shrimp, clam, squid, etc. Some species will go after your cleaner shrimps, but not all.


Active Member
Things like triggers and "aggressive" fish (and one of the most agressive is a clown trigger) usually will eat things like your cleaner shrimp. In this case, you need to learn the term "reef safe" for fish that generally will not consume invertebrates versus non reef safe fish.
Triggers, puffers, large wrasses - all aggressive fish that need "meaty diets" will all consume crabs, shrimp, seastars, etc. and are not reef safe.
Smaller wrasses (six line), anthias, damsels, heck...even seahorses also have "meaty" diets but on a much smaller scale. It means they consume various planktonic animals like copepods, amphipods, worms, etc and are generally "reef safe" because of the size of the food they prefer...some need, in fact, to be in a reef tank system.