when hypo doesn't work?


Just a quick question. I have a royal gramma (Sherbert) who has been in hypo for over three weeks. When looking at her you can still see the little tiny teenie white dots of ich. She's starting to look a little ragged with a ragged spot on her tail. It is not velvet according to the pictures on the site. Looks just like the ich pics. I want to put Sherbert back in the DT but of course I don't want the other fish sick. The original three fish that were with her are all in the DT now. Any ideas on what I can do to get her healthy enough to put in the DT?


Active Member
yep keep it in hypo for another 3 weeks at least.. and if necessary treat with quick cure..but buy a copper test kit and be prepared to do water changes after treating.... it should kick the ich...I had mine set up to be in QT for 8 weeks just to be sure its gone.


Staff member
How did you do the hypo? Can you post a picture of the fish and the spots?


Beth I will try to get a pic of her and the spots she is quite shy but I will do my best. I followed the hypo instructions from your post on doing hypo, a very nice post ai might add.


Staff member
Did you use a refractometer? What do you have to measure salinity?
Are the spots just on fins, or all over? Are the pinpoint dots, or a bit irregular. Use a magnifying glass and take a close look.