When is is OK to add substrate?


I am 4 weeks into curing my live rock in my 90g FOWLR tank. The live rock is sitting on bare bottom.
The nitrites are starting to come down. I figure perhaps 2 more weeks until the tank is cycled.
Can I add my substrate now or should I wait until the tank is completely cycled. I have 80 pounds of dry aragonite and 10 pounds of live sand ordered from this site.
I have read some sources that say add the substrate after the cycle and I have read others that say they are cycling with the substrate.
:thinking: :notsure: :help:


Active Member
IMO you should have put the substrate in at the same time as you did the live rock. The substrate cycles also. Chances are you will have to go through the whole process over again once you add the substrate.
A cycle is the time required to develop a biological colony to handle and process fish waste. Live rocks, filter media and substrate all work together to house this colony of bacteria. If you change any one of them you can throw off the balance in your system and it can take about a month to stabilize as it recolonizes. When you add the substrate to your tank, any dieoff within the sand will decay and cause ammonia, etc. to form. It will take your tank another month to cycle in this sand before it becomes stable again.


Originally Posted by Sly
When you add the substrate to your tank, any dieoff within the sand will decay and cause ammonia, etc. to form. It will take your tank another month to cycle in this sand before it becomes stable again.

What about if I just add the dry aragonite...then there will be nothing to die off??

payton 350

just add it all in now.....this way your tank can stabilize and cycle in a stable state......you may only go through a week more or you may not go thru anything more than needed but this way your tank will be ready sooner.....if you wait for it to cycle then add the sand you may go thru another mini cycle....it's only 10 lbs of live sand so it's not that big of a deal


ok...sounds good.
And it is my understanding that I should add the live sand on TOP of the dry aragonite? Is that correct?


Active Member
Originally Posted by dlee
ok...sounds good.
And it is my understanding that I should add the live sand on TOP of the dry aragonite? Is that correct?

That is correct.

payton 350

yes put all of the dry stuff down first then just lightly distribute the live stuff across the top of the dry stuff