When is it time to update hardware for safety?


I had a heater short out and blow up on me two weeks ago. I'm pretty sure it was a good 15years old atleast. I have another one that has alittle brown discoloring at the bottom inside near the cloth material. is this a sign of a problem on the way? how often should items like this be updated with brand new ones? i know with a pump and filter they will just stop running as a heater could fry the tank.
Anyone use tetra brand heaters? I saw that they have a preset at 78*.


Active Member
I would replace it your heater it's better to be safe than sorry especially since you can pick up a good reliable heater for about $25. I would stay away from the Tetra heaters I have had two and niether one kept the temp at the preset value and there is no way to adjust them, I personally like Ehiem Jager heaters and they seem to be well built and reliable.


Yeah i think we are going out today and i will get a good heater like the old one. I will try to bring back the other heater to Walmart without the box and stuff and see if they give me my money back.