When scrubbing corraline on rocks...


When you scrub your corralline off your rocks do you turn off all powerheads and filters? I heard that it makes them release their spores so I wondered if you need to turn everything off when doing this?


I'm interested in this one too...also (sorry to add this to your post)...what stuff people dose to get this stuff to grow (Aragamilk has done jack)...


Active Member
I do. I think that shutting off the filters allows the spores to fall to the rocks below. When I leave the filters and powerheads on, the spores end up following the current to the more dead spots in the aquarium. The dead spots tend to be behind the rocks where you wouldn't want corraline anyways.


Active Member
LAfish- The key to good coraline growth is maintain good Cal/Alk levels, especially the Alk levels. Have good flow and keep phophates close to 0.


I've used Tropic Marin Bio Calcium as a calcium additive for nearly 5 years and have had great success with it.
When I set up my last tank, I had coralline growing on the glass within 3 months.
The bio calcium is added to make up water through the sump. While I'm no chemist, it does not appear to have any ill effects on corals or alter water quality.
Hope this helps.