When shopping for coral...


I am new to coral and so far just have a few small mushroom frags in my tank. While shopping online, I am having trouble deciding whether to buy multiple small 5-10 polyp sized frags or spending the pretty penny for a larger colony rock. If I go with a small frag, how fast can I expect to see expansion on say, zoos and mushrooms? I have PC lighting, about 4.5 watts per gallon in my 29 gal tank. I am inclined to buy larger pieces to get a jump on things but am worried about space in my tank. I already have 55-60 lbs rock in there.
Any advice would be appreciated, and thank you!


Well-Known Member
Personally I go for the larger frags...only because I am impatient and I have the money already set aside for coral splurges.
Coral growth depends on lighting, food and the quality of the water. A single polyp frag will grow fast under MH lights, but much slower under PC lighting. As long as the water quality is good and there is plenty of food/light the corals will grow.
It really pays to never be in a hurry in this hobby. Slow and steady is the key to success.


Active Member
personally i like to buy those frag packs, and watch the corals grow. its cheaper and more rewarding. with proper water parameters and lighting, it really doesnt take long for corals to grow and multiply.


Originally Posted by nycbob
personally i like to buy those frag packs, and watch the corals grow. its cheaper and more rewarding. with proper water parameters and lighting, it really doesnt take long for corals to grow and multiply.
I second that.
I like to buy the less amount of polyp and see them grow in my tank. Even when i get a monti cap or any acro, I try to buy a 1" inch frag and have them grow. It really is rewarding


Thanks everyone for the opinions. I like the idea of "planting the seeds" and watching them grow.
That way I don't have to find homes for more rocks in my 29 too.


Active Member
Small fragz are the best. Fun to watch them grow naturally into ur tank. Buying A huge colony just looks out of place.


i agree. i like to buy small frags, which are usually cheaper unless your going for the higher doller zoas. but its fun to watch them grow and you can get a larger variety of colors verses one big clump of the same color. and even with pc lighting my shrooms are spitting out babies left and right. and my zoas are spreading just as fast as in my frag tank with t5 lights.