I just started setup up a 55 gallon tank, i was curious to know when is the right time to add a RCC. I was think right after the cycle is done.
Can someone suggest a stock list?
dont add a cuc just because the cycles done. if theres no algae or detritus yet then wait. im not a big fan of getting a package, even though it saves a lot of money, because there often is not enough stuff for all of the cuc. add small amounts of snails, and crabs if yyour willing to risk it as the needs arise. if you have detritus buildup, go out and get some nass.snails. if you have algae buildup on the rock, get some turbo/astreas and so on.
you can pretty much expect after the cycle ends for the algae bloom to occur. Its not a bad idea to think it out beforehand. Once your nitrites have dropped to zero, you can add the CUC.
But to me, the best CUC is only snails and a few small emerald crabs. Some like hermits but not me. they kill the snails which are the real workers
Best snails are ceriths, nassarius, turbos (or astrea) and nerites in that order. If algae becomes a problem a mexican turbo is like a bulldozer and can be added.
The shrimp are to be added a little later once you have fish as they will eat the uneaten food. coral banded are known to be very aggressive. cleaner Cshrimp are great and can be kept in groups. In my experience, the flame shrimp hide in the back and only come out at feeding time.
add CUC soon as cycle is done
15- nass snails
15- cerith snails
10 turbo/astrea snails
2 margaritas
1 peppermint shrimp
1 emerald crab
maybe 2-3 blue leg hermits I dont like hermits though