When should these fish be added - new 150 gallon set up.


Hello everyone,
Just wondering at what point my fish from my fish list should be added. I know some fish should be added last and some fish should be added only after the tank has been established for 6 months or so.
Heres my fish list:
Flame Angel - Tahiti or Marshall Is.
Potters Angel
Powder Blue Tang
Naso Tang
Golden Butterfly
Imperator Angel - Adult
Queen Angel - Juvenile
Ocellaris Clownfish
Maroon Clownfish
Red Coris Wrasse - Adult
Mandarin Goby
White Sabae Anemone
African Red Knob Sea Star
Pink Cucumber
Thanks as always!


My understanding is one of each species of angel.
I have had both a flame and a potters in a previous 90 gallon and they were fine, so hoping I can do that again.
The Imperator will be an adult 5-6 inches long and the Queen will be a juvi 2 inches long, so I assume that will be ok....


A) Alert - This fish cannot be kept with other Angelfish.
Above- that is what it says if you click on Angelfish on this site. Do you think it means species? I had took it as other angelfish in general. I hope it is species, I have been in a delima about what type of angel to get...


It is my understanding, and according to the compatibility chart on the 2 doctors site that you can have a dwarf angel with a regular angel...