I have had my tank up and running for 4 months. My levels are all fine. I currently have 5 Mexican Turbos, 5 Nassirus Snails, 5 bumble bee snails, 10 nassirus snails, 1 large nassirus, 10 scarlet hermits, and 10 blue legs. I also have a pincushion urchin, a lawnmower blenny, and a percula clown. I want to add a BTA to my tank as well as another percula clown to make a mated pair. I want to know which I should add first, so that I get the best chance of the Anenome hosting the clowns????
*** By the way it's a 55 tank with a 30 fuge/sump.
*** By the way it's a 55 tank with a 30 fuge/sump.