When to add "clean-up" crew


New Member
I have a 2 1/2 week old 55 gallon tank with about 50 pounds of LR and 2 blue damsels (they came in a little over a week ago) I am starting to get some brown algae on my rocks and sand and a little bit of slime on the glass- I was wondering when I should get a clean up crew. Any suggestions on what my crew should consist of?? Thanks!


I have a 100 gal reef and I got hermit crabs and and emerald crab before I got fish. They ate all they could and when they ran out a few of them killed each other before they were balanced out, but I still have about 80% of the ones I bought, and when my tank got established I had to get more. I have heard that you get 2 dwarf hermit crabs (blue legs) per gallon of water, but I think if I had it to do over I would have cut that in half and worked up. Hermit crabs are great, and I love the emerald crab. If you find you don't have enough for them to eat you can freeze a few pieces of romain lettuce and then rubber band some to a rock so it sinks. Remove the light green core parts so all they have is the really dark green part. They go crazy for it. It's kinda funny too!


New Member

you need to get a clean up crew right away. I got turbo grazer snails and they did a great job on my tank. I also have hermit crabs. I only have a 30 gallon tank but all in all it is still a job to make sure you have the right crew in your tank. Read lots of books and read these message boards. You will get alot of great advice in here. I know I sit for hours and just read in here and have alot of good reading and advice in here. Good luck.


New Member
when I first got my snails I had 3 of them for the 30 gal tank. I would get alot more than that for that 55 gal. my thoughs maybe even 5 or 6. but that is just my thoughts.