When to add clean-up crew


My 46-bowfront is finishing up its cycle (a few pounds of live rock and some lace rock in there). I started the cycle with a cocktail shrimp. I want to add the first fish soon. Should I begin adding the clean-up crew before, during, or after the addition of the fish. I was planning on adding 2 perc clowns (I know damsels would be a cheaper "first fish" but dont want the long term headaches, plus I have a gift certificate to the LFS that would cover the cost of the percs).
So, when should I add the cleaners? Do they add much to the bio load?


Active Member
you should add the clean up crew when the cycle finishes before the fish. i would get a fish like a week or more after the clean up crew


on the subject.. is a cleaner crew absolutely necesarry? and what would be good to get if i refuse to get hermit crabs?? (getting some shrimp goby so all shrimp is the way to go for me IMO, but what kind are good? also, would an arrow crab qualify as part of the cleanup crew?)


Active Member
to me a cleaner crew is nessecary IMO. i guess that if u didint get crabs you could get shrimp. but i think that every tank should have hermit crabs. there also really cool. like the blue legged ones or scarlet crabs. clean up crews help get rid of waste and keep nitrates down!


I love emerald crabs. They're really good at cleaning too. You should definitely get some snails though because they will help keep your rock and sand clean. Without them, your sand could easily become brown and become a trap for nitrates. The cleanup crew's purpose is to clean up leftover food from the tank and just overall keeping things clean. Without one, you will have problems with nitrates.


Originally Posted by Jcarroll
I love emerald crabs. They're really good at cleaning too. You should definitely get some snails though because they will help keep your rock and sand clean. Without them, your sand could easily become brown and become a trap for nitrates. The cleanup crew's purpose is to clean up leftover food from the tank and just overall keeping things clean. Without one, you will have problems with nitrates.

right... but wouldnt some shrimp, maybe a crab or two (non-hermits) and a sand sifting goby be more than enough? (in my case at least, 24 gal... (suggestions about what I should use as a cleanup crew also appreciated ^__^.)


I have a 55 and in it I have 3 emeralds, about 20 hermits, 10-15 snails, and 3 shrimp. You can try to do without if you want to give it a shot, but I've never heard of someone not having a sufficient cleanup crew. I would recommend a regular clean up crew, but if you feel strongly that you don't want them, go ahead and experiment, but I wouldn't add very many fish at first and I also wouldn't add them right away so you can see what happens with your nitrates. As long as your nitrates stay below 20, fish are safe, but above 20 can be toxic. I would definitely get a really good skimmer to help with some of the gunk in tanks that is normally taken care of by a cleanup crew, but even that isn't going to clean off rocks and sand as well as a team of crabs and snails


Sorry forgot to answer your question. I don't believe the things you mentioned as a clean up crew would be enough at all. But, that's just my opinion


i dont really like hermits either
my cleaners are nassarius snails for detritus, astrea snails for algae, and shrimp for excess food, also got some anemone crabs that also grab the extra food, only got them so my haitian anemone doesn't look so lonely


Originally Posted by joojoo
i dont really like hermits either
my cleaners are nassarius snails for detritus, astrea snails for algae, and shrimp for excess food, also got some anemone crabs that also grab the extra food, only got them so my haitian anemone doesn't look so lonely

see thats a clean up crew I like... sorta.. I dont really like snails either but im sure they wont be too noticeable. What type of shrimp are good for this? (or what kind are you using?)


If the crew is added before fish, what will they clean-up? Would it be a drastic mistake to add a couple of perc. clowns prior to adding the clean-up (once a gain a 46 gallon bow front with a few lbs of live rock).


Active Member
when you are done cycling there should be algae that they will eat. i guess you could get like 1 fish with them too


but add a cleanup crew and a fish all at the same time . . . isnt that kinda... well.. not a very good idea? Ive heard its best to add 1 animal at a time (like one every 3 or 4 days) when adding them to a new tank...