When to add Coral and certain inverts


Hi all,
My tank has been set up for 3 months now. After a 2 month cycle and a whole other month just for safety I've add my clown, coral beauty and gramma from my 29G into it. They look healthy and love the room:joy: I've also thrown in some hermits and snails. My question is when to add my shrimp? I have a skunk cleaner and a CBS. I wasn't sure of their hardiness so I want to play it safe. I also have a colt coral, some shrooms and a few polyps and was wondering when they could be added? My levels are:
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
nitrates at around 10
110G has 2X250MH lighting in it also.
There's still brown patches on my LR also along with the green stuff.
They'll be transfered from a 1+yr established 29G.
Readings are the same except nitrates are 5 or lower.
Lighting is 130 VHO
With the change in lighting will it have an adverse effect on the coral? Or will the demensions compensate themselves(ie bigger lighting with bigger tank)? Thanks for any advice:D