When to add live sand and rock


New Member
I have a 120 gallon that is full and has been running for 6 days now with salt levels at 1.025. I have a bag of live sand to put in. Can i put it in now or should i wait longer for the water to cycle? I am planning on using the live sand in the sump with some live rock to get the tank going. Is this the correct method to do this? Live sand in sump with live rock, live/dead rock in tank with sand, and then let it sit for 3 weeks... ???

Any tips are welcome.


Well-Known Member
i would lower your salinaty to about a 1.021 or 1.022 befor you add the rock and sand IMO. and your tank only cycls when your sand and live rock is in the tank so i would would add both asap. and i have never hrd of live sand in a sump befor but i have never used one. but i plan too sone so let me know on how your set up works. but while your tank is cycling i would keep adding a little dead shrimp in your tank. i like to add a little evary day untill you get the initial spike(use water test 2 to 3 times a day if posbl). and wach it level out and then you are good to go.



Well-Known Member
Live rock/live sand should be part of the very first start up.
I go even further and recommend macro algaes (in a refugium) or an algae truf scrubber right from the start.
The idea is to get the algae balancing and stabilizing the tank right from the start to minimize or eliminate the initial cycle spikes.
With thriving algae it is entirely possible for the ammonia->nitrate->nitrate spikes to become a small nitrate spike at the most.
I also feel that a male molly is a very good idea to kick off the cycle.
my .02


Well-Known Member
K:laughing:You say you are waiting for the water to cycle, which will never happen. Cycling involves providing nutrient in the form of ammonium so that bacterial colonies will grow in adequate numbers to remove the toxic waste produced by your livestock. These bacteria do not live in the water, but thrive in surfaces...hence the rock, and less so, sand.