When to add LS


I just set up my tank last weekend. It is a 72 Gal. with 100lbs of LR. I filled the tank with water, LR (just to kick start the cycle, it is not laid out how I want it) 50lbs of southdown and 3 shrimp. The sandstorm is starting to clear up (should I clean the inside of the glass, which has some fine sand and "white hair like things" on it...this would make the tank much better looking but I don't want to stir up the sand again, the sandstorm just cleared up).
Additionally, I have 10lbs of LS that I haven't added yet. I was thinking about arranging my LR this weekend, which will probably stir the sand up again. Should I add the LS then or wait for the new sandstorm to die down before adding the LS?


I didn't do a very "clean" job of adding the water, so a lot of sand was kicked up. I wanted the live sand to be on top, so I decided to wait until the southdown settled. Additionally, I wanted to put the LS after I had arranged the LR how I wanted them.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I cleaned my glass today and it made my tank even more cloudy (it has been cloudy for about a week now, is this normal?).