When to add my CUC?


Okay, I just added 75# dry rock to my rock. I have 100# established live rock. When do I want to add my big CUC? should I wait till my 75# of dry rock gets coraline on it?I already have 8 turbo's, 1 emerald crab, 1 cleaner shrimp.


Active Member
When you say dry rock, what exactly do you mean? Was once live but dries out. Was once live but bleached rinsed dried out. etc. etc.


The web site says it is dry rock. It says this
This is premium dry rock from the Florida Keys that is second to none in looks and performance. Minimal phosphate levels, much lower levels than Fiji rock. This is the same rock we deploy on our live rock aquaculture site. There's lots of nooks and crannies in the rock for fish and inverts to find refuge in. Just place this dry rock right into your aquarium with a little bit of live rock and watch them come to life. No need to cure these rocks. Don't want unwanted hitchhikers on your live rock, buy dry rock. This is very porous limestone that was formed in the ocean eons ago and commonly called Bryozoan facies of the Miami limestone. Many rocks contain visible marine fossils and shells. Almost all natural live rock is limestone and this is incredible weathered limestone.
Originally Posted by spanko http:///forum/thread/379694/when-to-add-my-cuc#post_3301145
When you say dry rock, what exactly do you mean? Was once live but dries out. Was once live but bleached rinsed dried out. etc. etc.


Active Member
I would do some testing over the next week and see if you experience any changes in ammonia and nitrites.


Active Member
Add a small CuC. your basicly using them as the canary to see if other livestock will survive.
If all goes well for the next couple weeks, start introducing your starter fish.


Active Member
oh. I miss read the post.
I saw when to add my CuC.
that's the first thing you do.
To answer you question about when to add more...do it as you see fit.
If you want more, go ahead and add half dozen at a time.
It really all depends on how many fish you have, and how much feeding you do.
Just remember that it is complete myth that you need a large CuC.
All it does is create more competition for scraps, and will eventually lead to deaths, which create waste toxins.
These so called "packages" sold on line are grossly over kill.
You will find that when you add tons of CuC they will balance them selves out, eventually it will stabalize and you wont see the population rise or fall much after that.
My 125DT has a dozen hermits, and a dozen snails. Plenty to keep it clean.
I wipe the glass with a quick pass from the magnet every other day, and that's about all I have to do besides weekly 5-10% WC and daily light feeding.