When to add rock?


I just started my 10 nano and currently have 5lbs of rock in it. My question for yall is by when should I have all my rock in the tank? Is there any rule?

who dey

Active Member
add it all at once if you can. each time you add rock you add to your bioload causing parameter spikes with some exceptions.


Active Member
If your tank is already cycled I would only add a few lbs every other week like adding fish. If the tank isnt cycled then stock it the way you want it now.


Active Member
One live rock supplier recomends that you start with half of the live rock, then add the second half after you have cycled. That particular company prides itself on it's hitchiker count, and doesn't want the ammonia spike to kill them all off.


Active Member
But adding half the amount total say 50lbs "for 100lbs for a 55 gallon tank" would cause an amonia spike the first and second time.

who dey

Active Member
Originally Posted by Snipe
But adding half the amount total say 50lbs "for 100lbs for a 55 gallon tank" would cause an amonia spike the first and second time.
yup... not such a good idea


New Member
the second peak should be less as was said before because the first amount of LR is there to help counter act........atleast thats what common sense would tell me since LR is a filter...or maybe not lol...