when to get Clean up crew


I was wondering when should I get a clean up crew for my 29 g tank? Its been established a week now. What would be compatible for my tank also? I have 40lbs of LR?3 inch lS bed and two clowns?
I also plan on buying soft coral too? What is easiest to care for?
Thanks for the help!


When you say established do you mean post-cycle or you just set it up a week ago. If you just set it up, I would wait to ensure your cycle has already completed, then go with a mixture of turbo snails, scarlet hermits and maybe a brittle star. I hope you did not cycle the tank with the clownfish, but I digress.
As far as soft corals it depends on your lighting system that you have. If you are using Power compacts or flourescents you will not be able to keep much. Maybe with PC's you might be able to keep some xenia , but near the top. If you have VHO's you can keep almost anything except some clams. There are exceptions to every rule, but I have found xenia, blastomussa etc are pretty easy.


What could you keep with VHOs that you couldn't keep with PCs? PCs put out more lumens than VHOs. Given the same amount of wattage and similar color spectrum, PCs, though not metal halide quality, are superior to VHOs.


Active Member
Another lighting debate....????
I agree with Andy, VHOs are better, Lumens is not the best way to measure light intensity.
Personally MH is the way to go with VHO suppliment- if you can afford it.
I have not been impressed with PCs and I believe Andy once had PCs and UPGRADED to VHO so he would know first hand, but these are just opinions, everyone has one and they all stink....
Start a small cleanup crew once you are finished cycling.
[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: fender ]


Thanks for all the insight, its always appreciated. My tank had already cycled before I added the clown fish. Everything looks great. just need to add some good lights and a protien skimmer.


I can tell you that when I compare my PC's to my VHO's there is no comparison. The fact of the matter is that you want the closest thing to sunlight you can buy and be able to saturate the tank enough to keep even the hardest of clams and corals. I have seen some tanks do well with PC's and others die. I can tell you that my VHO's are much better than my PC's. I am sure if you throw enough light at something it will grow. You just may need more of it. This debate could go on forever, some say kelvin ratings are the way to go, others say watts. I say go with what works. VHO's and halides have a higher success ratio than PC's. I would love to see someone keep a maxima clam with a single PC in a 70 gallon. I think that would be quite tough.