When to start expecting changes?


Not that I am rushing, But I started my tank 5 days ago and the water readings have been the same since. Its a 80 gal tank with 100lbs lr and 110lbs of ls. I was adding Kents Bacteria and Oxygen, also PurpleUp, but have stopped with the advice from here. Just wondering when to expect any changes.


My 110 cycled in a week because I used 135 of cured LRthat had very little die off. If you used cured LR the cycle can be very fast depending on the die off during shipping. If it was uncured it can take weeks, several of them. Keep you filtration going and keep skimming and watch you ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. Get a piece of raw shrimp from the grocery store and toss it in there to either get your cycle going or test it.


IMO, you should let the cycle come naturally and not add any chemicals to the water. Just my opinion. Good Luck


One of the LFS said to add some Damsels and maybe a Some type of shrimp to aid in the process. Does this sound right? As of today the water readings still havnt changed at all.