When true love turns truly bad....


Had my girlfriend or a wife done that to me i would had to have opened season on her...............very sad indeed i dont see how i missed this thread for so long.......


Active Member
Really, all she had to do was take his underware out of his drawer....run it in the dryer with a chunk of that "pink" fiberglass insulation....and then fold it up and replace in his drawer....
She wouldn't even have to be there to see his face...the mental image alone would keep her amused for months...

Don't ask me how I know this....


Active Member
The difference is the phones and the cars are things. The fish/critters were LIVINGS things.
THe common factor is they both acted childishly.
SOmehting similar happened in a fish store where a guy didn't get a good trade(in his mind). He dumped a chlorine tablet into a display and you know the rest of the story. I want to think he got into some "animal cruelty" trouble or something like that.


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
I wonder if he is selling his Tank?

Here come the opportunists...haha. Next will be...what kind of lights do you have?:hilarious


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Really, all she had to do was take his underware out of his drawer....run it in the dryer with a chunk of that "pink" fiberglass insulation....and then fold it up and replace in his drawer....
She wouldn't even have to be there to see his face...the mental image alone would keep her amused for months...

Don't ask me how I know this....

Squidd-I love how you think. I am off to do the laundry!!! :hilarious


Active Member
The stories I could tell....

Like the time we had an argument...and we went for a long drive to talk things out...
I thought things were going well, we must have been 125 miles from home in some little BF town and she says..."Let's get a hotel room for the night"...
I'm thinking "Yeah Baby"...
She's coming around...
I go in to check us in.....
And she drives off....

In MY Car...!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
The stories I could tell....

Like the time we had an argument...and we went for a long drive to talk things out...
I thought things were going well, we must have been 125 miles from home in some little BF town and she says..."Let's get a hotel room for the night"...
I'm thinking "Yeah Baby"...
She's coming around...
I go in to check us in.....
And she drives off....

In MY Car...!!!
OMG Squidd!!!! Are you still with this person??
When the man and I were dating, we had some good fights. So one time I decided that enough was enough and it was time to play dirty. I went into his dorm room, took all of his ---- tapes, ripped them out and strung them all over his room. He really loved me after that.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rberhow
OMG Squidd!!!! Are you still with this person??
Been married almost 30 years now.... :thinking:
I think she may have been getting back for the time "Way Back" when we were dating, and my car was in the shop...
So we were driveing around in her Dads Pick up Truck...It was raining...I was driveing...
We got into another one of "those" disscusions and I told her to "Get the heck Out"...She did, I drove off...went around the block to let her "cool off" and came back...
She was GONE!!!
I had to drive back to her Dads house and "explain" to him how I was returning the truck..but I ummm, "lost" his daughter... :scared:
Turns out, her friends were a couple cars back of us and they went out for a "girls night out" while I had to sit in "uncomfortable silence" while her Dad berated my pedigree and the pedigree of my parents and grandparents...
Not a good day for the Squiddster.... :help:


Active Member
Squidd-I so love this woman's spunk. I need to get in touch with her and learn all of her tricks for keeping men in line. I can just see you sitting there, listening to her dad..... :hilarious


Originally Posted by cain420
its against the law to rip your own phone line out????
poor fishies! that is truly sad!
In GA it is against the law to interfere with a 911 call by ripping out the phone lines we consider it interference I have locked up many men for it female can't call for help not good


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
Been married almost 30 years now.... :thinking:
I think she may have been getting back for the time "Way Back" when we were dating, and my car was in the shop...
So we were driveing around in her Dads Pick up Truck...It was raining...I was driveing...
We got into another one of "those" disscusions and I told her to "Get the heck Out"...She did, I drove off...went around the block to let her "cool off" and came back...
She was GONE!!!
I had to drive back to her Dads house and "explain" to him how I was returning the truck..but I ummm, "lost" his daughter... :scared:
Turns out, her friends were a couple cars back of us and they went out for a "girls night out" while I had to sit in "uncomfortable silence" while her Dad berated my pedigree and the pedigree of my parents and grandparents...
Not a good day for the Squiddster.... :help:
Oh I LOVE this girl of yours !! Sounds like someting I would do, did and well, would still do.
I have my own daughter now........... :thinking:


Originally Posted by rberhow
Squidd-I love how you think. I am off to do the laundry!!! :hilarious
......................not funny


sooo.... i was out buying a couch and the guy said that he heard of somthing like our topic. I guess this guy bough a fish from the LFS and it died on him. So he came back one day and put clorine tablets in the sump. so when the employees came in that day they smelled somthing funky and realized that all the fish were dead. what a dip.