When will clown get close to anemone??


We have a skunk clown and we just put in an anemone for her....she is looking at it and seems curious, but no friendship. How long until she will accept it?


Active Member
that depends ENTIRELY on the clownfish. once they are comfortable in the tank and comfortable with the anenome they will begin to host it. Then they have to build up a coating on themselves that is like the tenticals of the anenome so that the anenome thinks that the clown is actualy part of itself for the aneome to accept the clown fishie. There is now telling when they will host, or if they will hsot at all even.


Active Member
isnt that a cute clown fish i love mine ive had him over a year. mine hosted the anemone before it hit the bottom of the tank because he was being harrassed by a damsel. the anemone died and the clownfish moved into my pulsing xenias


my clarkii took mine as soon as i placed mine in .. my skunk clown took a sebae anemone in 2 weeks.



Originally Posted by newatsalt
We have a skunk clown and we just put in an anemone for her....she is looking at it and seems curious, but no friendship. How long until she will accept it?

what type of anenome?


Originally Posted by fishieness
oh wow!! i didnt even think of that!! The clown may not even take to the anenome because of the type

Hehe..I keep trying to tell people I am not as dumb as I look! j/k,,,but I know very few will go near Condi anenomes. I an a tomato host one b4...then when I got my BTA with a maroon clown....he tried to move right in b4 the maroon took it back....according to another webpage, skunk clowns perfer Stichodactyla mertensii or Heteractis crispa ..which I think are carpet and Sabae anenomes.


i keep hearing that people have to wait for their clowns to host their anenomies, mine took to my RBTA in about 15 minutes, as soon as it put it's foot down. They couldn't wait!


Oh wow...I love the responses - THANKS!!! The anemone is a bulb anemone.....I thought maybe she would host it last night, but we looked this morning and she is not near it...I think she thinks she is a damsel HE HE!!!