When will ick attack?


I got a damsel when i bought my sfe tuesday or was it wednesday? Well anyways, i had a lion and it died of ick on Dec.19(as some of you know). My damsel is still living in the tank unharmed by anything so far. How much longer should i go before i get my next fish? My next fish will be a fu manchu lion or a angler. Oh, i lowered the salt level for 4days and then raised it back to its normal level. So, any advice is welcomed


filteration:emporer 400,powerhead,berlin protein skimmer.
If i cant put them in the tank(bummer,cause i wanted one of them) i will stick with damsels(since i have a agressive tank)



Originally posted by tony detroit
Before you go buying more fish, why don't you correct your tank and filtration first???

so i should buy more filteration???


Active Member

Originally posted by MR_Krabs
...Oh, i lowered the salt level for 4days and then raised it back to its normal level. ...

So what exactly was the purpose for that...???



Originally posted by Squidd
So what exactly was the purpose for that...???

WELL WHAT SHOULD HAVE I DONE? I went ot the lfs and they told me ways on how to get rid of ick and they said i should lower the salt level for a few days so thats what i did. They told me other stuff too.

tony detroit

Active Member
Do a search on hyposalinity. I highly doubt lowering the salinity for 4 days will do anything other than stressing them out. If you can do anything to help your fish keep them in as stable of water conditions as you possibly can. See if you can buy quarantined fish from stores in your area after you get the Ich taken care of in your tank.