when will they host?


, i have 2 questions. 1, i got a pair of lta yesterday :cheer: and i have 2 clowns how long does it usually take for them to host? :notsure: 2, one of my anenomes has not attatched itself to a rock or the sand and it just sits there rolling sometimes ( it's alive) and do they usually do this?
Thanks :jumping:


if they r ltas u should set them up right in the substrate in a low current spot so they get a chance to attach they dont want to be on a rock


well i had a false perc and a LTA together for at least a month. then i saw the coolest clown ever a bluestripe and had to buy him! I acclimated him, and put him it the tank and it wasn't 5 min. before hosted my LTA. So i guess it's just a matter of when the fish is ready to host?!? If it had anything to do with it, which it probably did, my false perc was tank-bred and my new bluestripe was MAC Certified and came straightout of the wild. Good Luck!!!