Whens the next frag party Saltylakes?

chef jaysen

Hey man when is the next Miami frag party lets get this thing organized. Needless to say I am very excited and am looking forward to getting some pulsating xenia. Cheers......:D

chef jaysen

will do man. When the heck is this party get salty going....I am bringing wine this time.........have too pay my debts........lol.........see you there!


ok pick a day at the end of April.
Did everyone start growing there frags????????
I am looking for some rare zoos....
tell me who is coming so that I can start getting ready. I want to hear what everyone has to trade....
thank you and by the way the frag trade is going to be at my house.


chef i like WINE ALOT!!! well who else is in for this frag party????
pick the date and letsget rolling!!!!!!!!

chef jaysen

The last saturday in april sounds like a plan to me. As for frags I have the rare California coral. Very nice and it might come with a very nice wine key if there is some nice pulsating zenias waiting for me. Hint hint. :D
And ofcourse my famous tropical three bean salad as requested. Cheers.....................


chef sounds great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok i need a head count so i know how much food to buy..... also i want to find out who is bringing what!!!! thanks and ets get started..
idont notice to many south florida people interested.
I woulod join you guys but I don't have any frags and cant get any for my tank yet since I'm in the pocess of finishing my cycle.


great to hear that MON!!!!
We are by far the slackest state...
take a look at states up north and they have these huge event to trade corals. We cant even get 10 people together.
well lets work on it....
if you cant trade you can always trade some paper.......


are you still on for the 20th.. I may be around. What time. Hey did you see my post in reef tank on all your frags everthing look great. I don't have too much but some orange and green ricordias and a few other things but nothing to special. But I am in. I might have a few orange ricordias and many greens by then.. I may have a few other things to trade but we will have to see what i got by then.
Let me know if its stilll the 20th
Hey vince did you see the post with all your frags they are all doing great. I put if under reef tanks. The zoos are my fav. Ok let me know when.


I also got anothe atinic light in my tank. Now i have two daylight bulbs 96wat and one attinc and it looks great i am thinking to add one mor but not sure if two daylight and two atinic is the right combo what is it that you have. I really like the look of your tank.


I also sent you and email. Let me know if you get it.
( I think it the right address. )


yes.. finally.... a frag party where i can take stuff home :) if you remember, my tank was still cycling. well.. finally cycled and got a few corals in my tank. expensive littler buggers, but i need to learn how to frag them. ill take some pictures next week of a leather coral and colt coral i got a couple of weeks ago.. maybe someone can help me frag em.
keep me posted!:D


ok great........ we need everyone to bring a friend.
i also want to find out if PLUM i going to be here... i would like to show him some respect because he is protecting our nation and if it weren't for men like him, we would not even be having BBQ. Also he was the host of the last frag party.
well Chef can you please find out if he is going to be in town.
lets make the date at sometime in the last few days of april.
my email is