where and how much ls


Check here for ls. Southdown play sand if you can find it at hardware stores or non livesand to make up the rest.


southdown sand is not live sand, it is aragonite sand that is sold at some Home Depots on the east coast. It comes from the caribian and is a steal of a deal for substrate if you can find it. do a search and you will see how hard people try to get it.
Goto your local Home depot.. tell them the HD in moorestown (not MORRISTOWN) nj has tropical play sand that is made by a company names southdown

nm reef

Active Member
There are options other than southdown......I used a diversity of sources to build my sand bed to 120lbs +
I used approximately 80 lbs of Natures Ocean LS(available at most good LFS)...50 lbs of Carib Sea aragamax(also from LFS)...approximately 20 lbs of ls from established systems.
Total of 120 lbs + and so far so good.Eventually I will probably add more of the Natures Ocean and Carib Sea sand. But not until I've got reason to do some extensive work on the reef. :cool: