Where Are The Residents Of Guantanamo Bay Going To Live This Time Next Year?


Active Member
I heard Murtha is willing to welcome them to western PA.
I want to know what Obama's exit strategy from Gitmo is.


Active Member
To be fair Bush wanted to close Gitmo too. He was just smart enough not to do it as long as there was no good solution to the problem of what to do with the guests.
I say line them up and shoot them. None were in uniform and caught on the battle field. I think the Geneva convention defines that as a spy which is punishable by death.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
I heard Murtha is willing to welcome them to western PA.
He will take votes anyway he can get them.Not citizens....does it matter anymore?
Hate America? It seems to be the trend these days.
Hell if he can call his constituents Hillbilly's and they still vote for him then these guys will work just fine.


Active Member
I love the recent press conference....

So we announce we are closing Gitmo, and the we announce we are putting a committee together to decide what to do with the prisoners there.
Anyone else think that's a tad bit backwards?
What is going to end up happening is we're not going to find a good solution (because there is to one) and we're going to run out of time... In the rush to "find a solution" we're going to let someone go that will end up killing more Americans...
Are supporters of this ok with that?
(For the record, i was very vocal and very harsh with Senator McCain's position on this as well)


Originally Posted by salty blues
You are all missing the point. Don't you realize that now France will like us again?

Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries! Go away, Or I will taunt you a second time!