Where can I buy calpura?


INdeed caulerpa can be purchased at most local fish stores. there are dozens of different types of caulerpa out there so do a little shopping for them look around even get a book pick out one then see if you can find it anywhere.. one place to go to find caulerpa is <a href="http://www.inlandaquatics.com" target="_blank">www.inlandaquatics.com</a> go to the products section.. this is my place of employment we do a lot of nation wide delivery and a lot of caulerpa. i'd check it out.. but always try your LFS first you never know..

nm reef

Active Member
When I was looking for calupera for my refugium I looked at all the on-;ine sources and checked repeatedly in the 3 lfs...no luck. Wound up getting some from a lfs in Lubbock.....the employee went to a customers house and brought me 2 bags full for twenty bucks(just last weekend I tossed out more than that!!!).....I'd suggest you speak to employees at a good/trusted lfs.....most will know of at least one reef keeper that has plenty(like me)......I also take bags full of the stuff back to my favorite lfs for purchase credit....I'd even send ya a bag full but I've got no experience in shipping things and I have no idea how much it would cost you in shipping......look and ask around....you'll find some


One of the LFS here in Houston gave me a bag of mixed calpura. They have it growing in alot of their tanks. I put a little in the show tank and the rest in the return side of my backpac. (No refugium yet)