Where can I find Kalkwasser?


I have been wanting to add kalkwasser to my tank so that I could start adding SPS and a clam. Where can I buy this stuff online, and does anyone recommend a specific brand?


yeah I know I am upgrading to 2x250 watt metal halides.... The funny thing is that my LFS doesn't carry kalkwasser.... He has always been great about helping me, and he is one of the most honest people that I have done business through, but when I said Kalkwasser he looked at me like I was from another country. He doesn't deal with any type of clams or SPS corals.... just a small variety of softies.


I have never heard of using pickling lime. Can I use this through my kent aquadoser? How would I mix it to achieve the ideal calcium level?


Active Member
Keep in mind that Kalkwasser (or Lime water, Calcium Hydroxide, etc.) is not good at raising calcium and alkalinity levels. Kalkwasser is meant for maintaining them. You would be best off using either a Two Part Addictive along with a regular Dosing of Kalkwasser, or a Calcium Reactor along with a regular dosing of Kalkwasser to keep your calcium levels up. That's just my opinion.
Take Care,

nm reef

Active Member

I agree with Graham...kalwasser is excellant for "maintaining" established levels of calcium & alkalinity. I'd suggest you first use some method to establish levels in the range you prefer. For me I've always used Seachem products...Reef Builder/Advantage/Magnesium/Buffer to establish and suppliment my calcium/alkalinity/ph/magnesium...I drip pickling lime saturated water on a daily basis to maintain established levels.An added benefit is kalkwassers ability to precipitate phosphates out of the water column...which allows a skimmer to better remove them from the system.
There are several on-line resources for additional info on the process...I'd suggest a series of searchs for additional info.
NMREEF website
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