Where can I get water tested?


New Member
I live in the Atlanta area and need to know where I can get a water sample tested.
This is not for normal things like pH,amonia, nitrite, nitrate or copper.
I need to find out if someone has introduced poison into one of my tanks.
Thank you for any info you can give me.


If you're looking for poison rather than normal pH, nitrates, etc. I would go to the city's water treatment facility and see if they can help you. Why would you think that someone poisoned your water?


Dont know if this might help you


New Member
Thanks to both of you. I wonder either test will be accurate because of the salt content.
I had a 100% kill off in my 90 gal FOLR tank in a five week period. I discovered a broken wire on an undergound pump and figured they died of laterial line diease.
I trying to keep rock alive, I removed all by 8 inches of water and did heavy carbon filteration along with lots of water movement for 2-1/2 weeks.
On Jan 8th I put some of the live rock in the sump under my 125 reef. Last night I saw my hippo tank rubbing against the rocks and thought, oh no. Today I have 2 dead tangs, 2 dead damsels and I'm missing a gramma.
There are some problems between my son's girlfriend and I.


That sucks.
I will say from working in a fish store, one of the worst, yet easiest things to do to a tank is to
1) drop some turpintine in
2) drop some asprin in
By the time you know the asprin is there, it's usually too late. The water treatment facitlity should be able to test it, or at the very least get you a lab that can.
So sorry for this.