Where did my Peppermint go ??


On Saturday I bought 2 peppermint shrimp. After acclimating them, I put them in the tank and they instantly headed for cover in the LR. I have not seen them since. I did see a small transparent skin in the shape of the shrimp, could he shed or was that leftover from his body (dead).
My water quality is fine as all corals are thriving. I do have 2 blue damsels,1 large brittle star, blue leg hermits and snails in the tank. I did not see anyone go after them.
Any ideas??


Peppermints HIDE...
The skin was just that he multed.
Late at night you'll see them hanging upside down on the rocks weaving back and forth.
that is their nature don't be upset..They are a wonderful addition to a reef.


until they reach about 3" in body size they will stay in hiding most of the time.... be sure to get a couple of cleaner shrimp as well..... :p


He will be hiding especuially if he molted. I have heard of a stressfull move causing a molting in some shrimp. He will hide for a week or so, untill his new shell hardens up, then back to his old self again. Check him out at night.
You dont by chance have a hawkfish do you?
When a shrimp molts it first finds a hiding place. It will then go to a different spot in the tank and molt. Then scurry back to its hiding place. The old shell will be a diversion for hungry predetors. Shrimp Will hide and in small numbers are rarley seen. I had a pepermint shrimp and it would always hid. One day during feeding time I held the food in my hand and brought it near the shrimp and it clung to my finger to get a bite to eat.


I too bought a peppermint and cleaner at the same time. The cleaner stayed by the rocks but was always visible. The peppermint on the other hand, disappeared after the first day. It was about 2 days ago that I started seeing him about an hour before heading to bed. This was about a week and a half. I thought somebody ate him, guess not. Now I'm just waiting for him to eat the aptaisia (sp?). So I would say don't worry he's probably waiting for the right time to reintoduce himself.


This molting that shrimps do, will a Coral Banded Shrimp molt as well. The reason I ask is about a week after I got one I found a perfect replica of him in the corner of the tank. When I saw it I thought for sure he was dead, but to my surprise I looked up and there he was. Just curious.


I put two in my tank about 3-4 weeks ago to get rid of aptasia(pest anemones). I didn't see much of them for awhile, but the aptasia went away. Now they are visible most of the time and growing quickley. They are in a 37 w/ a cleaner and a coral banded. :)


I recently purchased two for my tank and saw the replica thinking that I had lost them as well.
To my suprise, I found them roaming around the tank while the lights are out. I have not been able to find them during the day though.


I found both of my peppers hidind in a small hole together. It's kinda cool. Shrimp are great to have in your tank and fun to watch when you can catch them out. My cleaner shrimp is crazy he will take a huge chunk of food and take off with it. fun fun.


Well after posting this a couple of days ago, I went home last night and found both peppermints hanging upside down in a little crevice under some LR ( OK I didnt find them, my 4 yr old daughter did !! but they are there anyways)
They seem happy


New Member
My peppermint shrimp were never too shy--if I stick my hand in the aquarium, one of em attacks it thinking its food!! Quite interesing creatures :p :D