Where did the Feather Duster go?

For some reason, my clown took a curious peck at one of my feather dusters. Most of the tube was submerged into the sand but, apparantly it shed its tube as it flopped over when the duster got frightened. I'm guessing it fully fled into the sand. Is this a normal occurrence and will it reappear? Its one of those nice pink feather dusters so I hope it shows once again.
Thanks much.
Well, all is well again today. After a couple of days the little bugger popped up right next to his sibling. One question; when they're halfway buried in the sand what is the best way to move them if you have to re-aquascape?


Active Member
You can grasp the base of the tube and GENTLY pull them away. Be careful though; I pulled a worm out of it's tube once doing that.