Where did you buy your sand for your DSB?


I'm planning to buy some from here and my LFS as well but not enough to make my entire DSB, I went to Lowes/Home Depo to look for sand but all they have is this gross brown muddy sand, no white sand. I'm in Dallas/Fort Worth and I don't know where else I can go to find good quality sand....except the ocean. But I'm hoping it won't come to having to make a trip down there just for sand.
If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. I also tried a Wal-Mart and Garden Ridge, neither of them even had sand.


Guess it won't do much good for the rest of us around the country to tell you where we got our sand if your local Home depots and Lowes don't carry it. Perhaps you can get some fellow Texan's to reply for a more local idea.
First thought though would be to look for the white silica sand. If your home improvment stores do not have it try all the garden shops in the area. Don't rule out the aragonite from the LFS either as that is what is most prefered, the aragonite. :)
I'm one that would not take sand off of a beach, you just don't know what pollutants are in it.
Thomas :)


been trying to get some replies, Thomas. They are about as friendly on these boards as they are when they drive. I'll keep looking tomorrow.


I bought 2 bags from a lfs and then 4 40lb bags from somebody in the classified section of this sight.
You might want to try ---- and do a search for Yardright sand. I know there are other names it goes by but I can't think of them-anybody?


New Member
I puchased mine from a guy in Oklahoma City. My parents lives in OKC and I just picked some up while I was up there. The gentleman was selling 50 lbs bag for $15. He had about 30 bags left when I bought mine (which was about 1 month ago.) Might want to contact him to see if he still has any left for sale, it'll be worth it just to drive 3 hours to get some, cuz you'll be saving money in the long run compared to what the LFS are charging. Send me an email and I'll give you his phone number.


700 lbs for about $5>>
Holy smoke!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That has to be the deal of the year. I thought I did well getting mine for 15 bucks/50 lb bag:eek:


Active Member
120#'s from them to my Windsor, CT is 75.00...that is three bags at 11.95...shipping is like 37 or something like that...not cheaper then the southdown...but cheaper then the aragonite you by from a LFS...ie...7.99 for 10#'s at ***** and that is cheap compared to the little one shop guys...


I bought the Quick crete playsand, anyway to make a long story short the sand had something oily in it and I ended taking it all out:(