where do i need to fix it?


new 29-30gal tank need help!!!! PLEASE
ok i have had my tank for about 3-4 months
this is what i got
heater- ebo-jager 100 watt auto
filter-whisper 40 power filter for 20-40 gall
I screwed up and got cruched coral
I have regular lights nothing special
about-4lbs of lr
8lbs of uncured
5lbs of base rock
blue cromis
domino damsel
striped damsel
perlucular clown
and the lsf was not sure what is was
but they said it might be some type of cardinal
it is clear with a red tint to it and has 3 black lines
then i have 3 hermits and a few snails that came off the rock
and this thing that looks kinda like a slug i dont really know what it is just kinda eats the alge and stuff off the glass it doesnt have a shell or looks like it doesnt it is a tan/brown color and has black dots????
it has also been spreading eggs making the fish go nuts it has done this twice now that i know of
tell me what will help this is my first tank and i am in a dorm room
i would like to do a reef but i will have to move everything back home once shcool is done wich is 20mins away
let me know
also i am going home for xmas and i think the dorm will be closed what do i do?


Well-Known Member
If the dorm will be only closed for two weeks you could just go home and come back. Unless they are doing some cleaning and dump cleaning fluid in the tank, the tank should be fine.
You could also get an automatic feeder. Just make sure you run it for a few weeks before you leave. that way you can insure it is not overfeeding.


Active Member
I would be most concerned about evaporation, and how to top it off. A break's worth of evaporation in a tank that size without adding topoff water will send your salinity sky high. If you are set on keeping the tank at school, I would setup an auto-topoff system to keep your salinity in check, and your maintenance would be reduced when you return to school.
One more item to ponder. Does your school turn off the power to the dorm rooms during breaks? I had a FW tank my freshman year of college, and left it running with an autofeeder, only to return to an ice cold tank, dead fish, and an autofeeder full of food. It turned out that they shut the power off to all of the rooms during the break.


that is a good question i hope they dont...i am not sure....
what else do i need to get to start to make it a reef tank?
and how hard it is to movie it back and worth i have anouther 30gal at home not being used and i have 2 10gals also? and suggestions?
after the break i am looking at makeing it more of a reef tank i need help on how to do that ?


ok found out they dont turn the power off and they also dont lock the dorm so the is a relief and will save me money...