Where do I??


Active Member
I have seen lots of post that say "i ordered a tank". Where is a good site where i can buy BIG tanks. (ex.180gal)


Active Member
All Glass Aquarium, up yer ally there, make a 180, VERY large tank I must say. BUT.... Oreder it outta yer LFS if u can, or else ANY tank company will kill ya on the shipping. Prices will be a lil more on the LFS end cuz they have to pay shipping too, and I think u can ONLY buy one from an LFS or distributor anyway. Acrylic tanks sratch up easily, and a perk may be that theyre lighter, but.. WHO CARES???!!!??!?! So u gotta couple extra pounds wen yer moving it, big deal. Acrylic can bend, okay, beautiful, if u WANT it to bend. A good 180 might run ya about $800 from all glass. Maybe twice that much for an acrylic. Then u need a stand and lights....and salt...and sand...and powerheads...and filtration..... good luck:D